With the Great American Solar Eclipse less than two weeks away, if you been thinking about getting a solar telescope, solar filters for your binoculars, or just properly outfitting your smart phone you still have time.
Simple solar safe glasses are readily easy to find still, with astronomy products dealers reporting they still have limited quantities in stock and you probably can find a pair at your local home improvement store.
If you want to step up your game to the next level with more sophisticated eclipse viewing technology, you can still do so, but you need to act soon. Astronomy products dealers also have solar appropriate telescopes, binoculars, filters and more but they anticipate they soon will be sold out.
To help with choosing the proper equipment the Astronomy Technology Today editorial staff have published a Solar eclipse equipment guide – The Definitive Equipment Guide to the 2017 Solar Eclipse. The goal with the 40-page publication is to provide an easy-to-consume introduction to the technological options for viewing and imaging the Great Solar Eclipse.
We cover the gamut of options available including building your own solar viewer, solar glasses, smart phones, DSLR cameras, using astronomy telescopes, solar telescopes, using binoculars, solar filters (including a DYI filter option), CCD astro cameras, astro video cameras, webcams and much more. We also provide a list of retailers and other resources where you can buy what you need.
You can view the guide on our website here – its free and there is no requirement to sign up to read the guide.