
BOSS (Backyard Observatory Supernova Search) Team Uses Amateur Telescope Technology to Discover Supernovas

BOSS (Backyard Observatory Supernova Search) Team Uses Amateur Telescope Technology to Discover Supernovas

With each new advancement in the technology available to amateur astronomers, the line between amateur and professional – already barely distinguishable – is further blurred. There may be no better example than the feats of the Backyard Observatory Supernova Search (with the enviable acronym, “BOSS”). Boss represents an amateur collaboration […]

Unihedron SQM-LU-DL

Unihedron SQM-LU-DL

Unihedron SQM-LU-DL: The names Unihedron and  have become synonymous with measurement of sky brightness. Indeed, it’s hard to imagine a Sky Quality Meter tool that has had greater impact on quantification of local light pollution. Unihedron’s original SQM set the standard and has since evolved into a comprehensive range of […]

Clear Sky Lab Releases AstroPiBox Using Raspberry Pi Linux Platform for Telescope Autoguiding

Clear Sky Lab Releases AstroPiBox Using Raspberry Pi Linux Platform for Telescope Autoguiding

Clear Sky Lab’s AstroPiBox, a French-language autonomous autoguiding platform, is based upon the Raspberry Pi Linux platform. Recently released out of beta, the platform leverages the Raspberry Pi for autoguiding, offering several distinct advantages: (1) Power consumption of only a few watts, which makes it possible to use a portable […]