Tag: Starlight Xpress

BOSS Supernova Search

BOSS Supernova Search

BOSS Supernova Search: With each new advancement in the technology available to amateur astronomers, the line between amateur and professional – already barely distinguishable – is further blurred. There may be no better example than the feats of a group of amateur astronomers who call their group the Backyard Observatory […]

Image 2: Paramount MEII carrying a TEC140 and a TEC180, set up for simultaneous imaging.
News Reviews

A Practical Automated Multi-Camera Astro Imaging System Design: One Mount, One Computer, Two Imaging Cameras

By Peter Rejto Peter Rejto, born into a family of musicians, initially followed a scientific career path, but ultimately left the doctoral biochemistry program at UC Berkeley to become a concert cellist. Now Professor Emeritus at Oberlin College, Rejto lives in Sydney, Australia with his family, but continues to direct […]